Self-Design Practice
UX Designer
İstanbul, March 2020
How might we enhance the quality of dining experience?
Design sprint including benchmark study, observations, user flows,
wireframe design and UI design.
Benchmark studies and observations provided initial insights. Main actors were drawn as ‘diners’, ‘servers’ and ‘managers’.
Diner got the key role to come up with improvement opportunities. In that sense, user flow of regular diner was studied further in macro and micro scales. Major touch points were picked as ‘selection’ and ‘check out’ phases.
Diner got the key role to come up with improvement opportunities. In that sense, user flow of regular diner was studied further in macro and micro scales. Major touch points were picked as ‘selection’ and ‘check out’ phases.
Various concepts have been studied on these mentioned phases. As the final call of ‘selection’ step, diners were given a private offer on the regular menu taking them to a mobile-friendly web site. Instead of conventional components; a mutual and emphatical dialogue became the key of desired approach. Some snapshots from LoFi wireframes...
The mutual and emphatical dialogue carried on during the second phase where diners were asked for a short survey to collect reviews. Some snapshots from LoFi wireframes...
A management application, which is customizable per each brand, was designed as well. Through its API connection with the dines’ selection web site and review modules; this app provides analytics to individuals and teams for evaluating their skills and tracking records thereof. Some snapshots from LoFi wireframes...
The app serves functions according to users’ roles. Some snapshots from LoFi wireframes with additional features...
Prototyping and Evaluation
In this practice, only the diner side of the experience was studied further with prototyping and final UI design.
As a part; Nonna, a local cafe & restaurant chain, was selected as the role model in order to have the concept applied in reality. Their logo was partially re-designed by characterization of a grand nanny to support formerly mentioned idea of building mutual and emphatical dialogue. Below you see on the left ‘before’ and on the right ‘after’ my study.
Prototyping and Evaluation
A flow taking user from start to final order was completed with UI details. Please feel free to give a try at :)